Usually to get the ideas swirling around in my head I just buy more supplies but because of lack of sales I have forbid myself from buying anything else until sales pick up. I have a plethora of supplies and material and buying more is just not going to be productive.
I plan to change all of this this weekend. I am on a mission to change my shop. I plan on posting a new product, or at least relist at least 5 times a day 3 to 5 days a week. I bought a shiny new banner for both of my shops that I really love. Thank you pixlecafe

The first step I am going to take in my studio is to clean and organize it and reacquaint myself with my creative potential.
Wish me luck!
Nice new banners :)
Oh, I feel your pain!
I don't have 3 kiddies to run after, but I'm really not at my best if the temperature rises above 75 degrees. It's so hard to feel imaginative and motivated when I'm sweaty and uncomfortable. And it's still really hot here - though I have started to organize my studio/kitchen in preparation for the first break in the heat.
I have a ton of supplies and ideas just waiting for me to get my act together!
Best of luck!
Love your new banners!
Good luck breaking out of your rut :)
good luck with your new product changes. and great banners!
ah, the dry spells.
new banners are nice :)
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