Monday, October 1, 2007

My new Moo Cards

So my highly anticipated Moo cards have finally arrived and I don't quite know what I think about them. I don't hate them and I love that I can get them with pics of my beautiful products on them but I just don't know.

I think that I would love them more if they were glossy. I think that they would pop more. The pictures seem a little grainy and dark, just a tiny bit.

I want to give them another chance to see if my heart jumps when I first look at them. With all of the hoopla about these cards that is what I expected this time and that didn't happen.

Again, I didn't hate them, but I didn't love them either. And for the price I want to love them.

My new Moo Cards

My new Moo Cards


Brandi Hussey said...

i know exactly what you mean. i only ordered them once, and when they came, the colors were off, which bothers me. i did read in the forums that they did come a little dark (another seller said that's due to the UV coating the put on the top). i ended up going through for regular sized business cards and choosing their free glossy option -i LOVE them and they were cheaper per card than moo.

when i run out, i think i may do my own moo-style card by taking the dimensions (which are half the height of a regular card, same length) and playing around in photoshop.

Nora said...

I like your Moo card they look cute!

Angie said...

Very nice moo cards! I'm Jealous! I love them! :o)

Athena's Armoury said...

They look great! One of these days I'm going to have to get some, too.

Kimberly Monaco said...

totally agree with your feeling on the moo cards... I got mine today and was SOOOO excited to open them only to kinda go .." hmmmmmm" not exactly what I'd hoped for.
I think yours look great though!

w said...

i think your moo cards are just fine! :)